Sunday, March 31, 2013

This is ME Self Portrait: March Submission

This month's theme was "looking down"

I assume there will be a lot of shoe pictures this month.

And mine is no exception! I chose this photo because I love seeing all my pet birdies' little footprints in the snow when I bring their feeders out. Luckily for us, the snow is long gone here, but when I took this picture earlier in the month I looked forward to seeing all the footprints in the morning. Putting the bird feeders out in the crisp morning air is how I start every day! I enjoy this little ritual very much, and thought this picture a good way to share it.

Of course, linking up at Amy's!

While Wearing Heels

Please stop back this week to see posts about my birthday party, which was very successful :-)




  1. What a sweet morning ritual. It's obviously very much appreciated by all those birdie footprints out in the snow. So happy to have you participate again this month. Thanks Rosie!

  2. Hi Rosie! Found you over at Amy's party and came over to visit for a minute. I love feeding my birds too and had to smile seeing all the little bird tracks surrounding your own feet. Bird seed it is getting expensive these days isn't it? I think I'm going to grow a sunflower field! Anyway, nice to meet you, you have a fun blog and I'm happy to be following along via GFC.

  3. Found you at Amy's party, Rosie! What a great picture...I love the little footprints. ;)
